Bubble Bath - Berrigan | Luxurious Soak & Vanilla Caramel Scent
Sweet Emu Bush - 500ml

Soothe dry and irritated skin, relieve burns and sores, reduce signs of aging, and assist with after-sun care with this
native Australian plant extract.

or Eremophila longifolia
Arrente Name: Utnerrenge
Pronounced ~ Ort na rung
Utnerrenge, also known as Berrigan, plays an important cultural and medicinal role in traditional Aboriginal society. The leaves are burnt to create a smoke which is inhaled to relieve sickness.
Newborns are laid in the smoke of smoldering leaves to ensure that the child grows up strong and healthy.
The sap treats burns and sores as it naturally soothes dry and irritated skin. Extracts of Utnerrenge are also used as a liniment and antiseptic.
Cosmeceutical applications:
Berrigan is an Aboriginal bush medicine plant that has evolved over millions of years by storing vast quantities of the phyto-compounds needed to survive the extreme weather conditions of Central Australia.
Utnerrenge extracts are packed with chlorogenic acid (GCA), and ferulic acid. These properties are suitable for soothing skin, reducing signs of aging and assisting with after sun care.
The compounds found in Utnerrenge are perfect for dark spot reduction and anti-aging.